Complete works of Trisomy (fine collation, not divided)

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Complete works of Trisomy (fine collation, not divided)

Von Neumann pointed to the huge human circuit below and began to introduce: "Your Majesty, we named this computer'Qin No.1 '.". Look, there, in the center, is the CPU, which is the core computing element of the computer. Composed of your five most elite legions, you can see the adder, register and stack memory in this picture; The neat part of the periphery is the memory. When we built this part, we found that there was not enough manpower. Fortunately, the action of each unit in this part was the simplest. We trained each soldier to hold a variety of color flags. After combining them, one person could complete the operation of the first 20 people at the same time, which made the memory capacity meet the minimum requirement of running the Qin 1.0 operating system; If you look at the channel that runs through the entire array, and the light soldiers who stand by on the channel, that's the BUS, the system bus, which is responsible for transmitting information throughout the system. "Bus structure is a great invention, the new plug-in, which can be composed of up to ten legions, can be quickly connected to the bus to run,facial recognition thermometer, which makes the hardware expansion and upgrade of Qin No.1 very convenient."; If you look at the farthest side, you may have to use a telescope to see it clearly. That's the external storage. We use the name given by Copernicus and call it'hard disk '. It's made up of three million people with a higher level of education. You were right to leave them behind when you buried the scholars last time. Each of them has a notebook and pen in his hand, which is responsible for recording the results of the calculation. Of course, Their biggest workload is still as virtual memory, storing the results of intermediate operations, and the bottleneck of computing speed is in them. Here, closest to us, is the display array,digital whiteboard price, which displays the main state parameters of the computer operation. Von Neumann and Newton brought a large scroll of paper more than one person high and unfolded it in front of Qin Shihuang. When the scroll came to an end, Wang Miao's scalp tightened for a while, but the dagger in his imagination did not appear. There was only a large piece of paper full of symbols in front of him. Those symbols were the size of a fly's head, densely packed, and looked as dizzy as the computer array below. Your Majesty, this is the Qin 1.0 operating system we have developed, and the computing software will run on it. Your Majesty, look- "Von Neumann pointed to the human computer below. This array is hardware, and this piece of paper is software. Hardware and software are like the relationship between a piano and a musical score." Then he and Newton unfolded a piece of paper of the same size, "Your Majesty, this is the software that numerically solves that set of differential equations. It inputs the motion vectors of the three suns observed by astronomy at a certain time, and its operation can predict the state of the sun at any time in the future.". In this calculation, we will make a complete prediction of the movement of the sun in the next two years, face detection android ,thermal imaging camera, with a time interval of 120 hours for each set of predictions. Qin Shi Huang nodded. "Let's begin." Von Neumann put his hands on top of his head and solemnly shouted, "By the royal decree of the emperor, the computer starts!"! System self-test! In the middle of the pyramid, a row of flag bearers issued instructions with semaphores, and for a moment, the huge motherboard composed of 30 million people on the earth below seemed to liquefy, filled with fine sparkling waves, which were tens of millions of small flags waving. In the display array near the bottom of the pyramid, a progress bar composed of numerous green flags extends to indicate the progress of self-inspection. Ten minutes later, the progress bar came to an end. Self-test complete! Bootstrap running! Operating System Load!!! Below, the light turn on the system bus that runs through the human computer moves quickly, and the bus immediately becomes a turbulent river. Along the way, the river is divided into numerous small tributaries, which infiltrate into various modular arrays. Soon, the ripples of the black and white flag evolved into a turbulent wave, which surged on the whole motherboard. The central CPU area is the most violent, like a piece of burning gunpowder. Suddenly, as if the gunpowder had burned out, the disturbance in the CPU area gradually calmed down, and finally came to a complete standstill. With it as the center of the circle, the stillness spread rapidly in all directions, like a rapidly frozen sea. Finally, most of the whole motherboard came to a standstill, with only sporadic endless loops flashing lifelessly in a constant rhythm, and flashing red appeared in the display array. The system is locked! A signal officer shouted. The cause of the failure was soon found to be an error in the operation of a gate circuit in the CPU status register. Warm restart the system! Von Noy was ordered with confidence. Slow! Newton waved his hand to stop the signal officer, turned around and said to Qin Shihuang with a sinister face, "Your Majesty, for the stable operation of the system, some maintenance measures should be taken for the components with high failure rate." Qin Shi Huang, leaning on his long sword, said, "Replace the wrong part and chop all the soldiers who make up that part!"! In the future, the fault will be handled accordingly. Von Neumann gave Newton a disgusted look and watched as a group of sword-unsheathed cavalry rushed into the motherboard and, after "repairing" the faulty part, reissued the hot start order. Twenty minutes later, the Von Neumann structured human computer of the three-body world entered the running state under the "Qin 1.0" operating system. Start the solar orbit calculation software "Three-Body l. 0" '! ". Newton shouted at the top of his voice, "Start the computing master!"! Load the differential module! Load the finite element module! Load the spectral method module.. Call in the initial condition parameters! Calculation start!!! The motherboard was sparkling, the colorful signs on the display array flashed one after another, and the human computer began a long calculation. It's really interesting. Qin Shihuang pointed to the magnificent computer and said, "Everyone's simple behavior has produced such a complex big thing!"! Europeans accuse us of dictatorship and tyranny, which stifles the creativity of society. In fact, a large number of people under strict discipline can also produce great wisdom when they are combined into a whole. "Great first emperor, this is the mechanical operation of the machine, not wisdom.". These ordinary and humble people are all zeros,smart interactive whiteboard, and only by adding a one like you in the front can their whole be meaningful. Newton said with a flattering smile. Disgusting philosophy. Von Neumann glanced at Newton and said, "If the results calculated by your theory and mathematical model do not match the predictions, you and I will not even be zero." 。
